Preventing COVID-19

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Like many of you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world. For SALSAtlanta, that means understanding how it affects our instructors, students, families and the communities around us, and then making the necessary adjustments to our work and operations.

Our simple objective is keeping our students, instructors and families safe. With that in mind, we are taking actions in our classes in response to the threat of the coronavirus.

We believe the responsible thing to do during this period of time is to take the necessary steps to help prevent the spread of the virus. Since our type of dance exposes you to come into contact with so many people, we believe that limiting physical contact is the most effective way to prevent the spreading of the virus. With that in mind, we will cancel class this Sunday March 15th.

We will keep close watch of the guidelines and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), on actions to help in preventing the spread of the virus and base our decisions over the upcoming weeks on their recommendations.

Please contact us with any questions and stay safe and healthy.